Moretta di Fano

Moretta of Fano

Moretta di Fano

I spent half of June in Italy, exploring the relatively undiscovered region called Le Marche. One jewel of the region was the town of Fano, known for its fish and seafood, as well as a particular coffee preparation, the Moretta di Fano (or Moretta fanese).

According to legend, it was created to warm up and energize the fishermen of the town. From first-hand experience, it does both.

The Moretta contains rum, aniseed liqueur and brandy (about an ounce total), heated and mixed with sugar (to taste) and a piece of lemon rind. A shot of espresso is poured on top of the alcohol, in such a way as to form a distinct layer. As with any layered drink, it should be served in a small clear glass to show off the layers of alcohol and espresso with its crema.

3 thoughts on “Moretta of Fano

    1. I’d be surprised if you could find a barista who has even heard of this in Melbourne, much less makes one. From the sound of it when were there, it was very much a regional drink. (But if you find one, let me know!)


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